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Optimal Sport Performance

Chasing the Runner’s High

Dr. John Macri Interviewed by NJ Monthly For Article

I was thrilled to be interviewed by Maryrose Mullen in New Jersey Monthly Magazine.  The article highlights the psychological benefits of running. If you are looking to alleviate stress, increase...

Controlling the Controllables

This article is a great read for everyone.  It references a number of negative random events that happened in previous Olympic games. It reminds me of the expression used in...

Psychological Skills Training: How are you preparing in the off-season?

By now, many of the high school and college teams have concluded their Spring season. It is a great time to review, revise, and create new goals.  Perhaps if we...

Maximize Your Marathon Mindset

NJ Marathon Psyching Teams have provided an invaluable resource to runners who have chosen to participate in the full or half marathon. Runners benefit from having someone to speak with...

Concussion: Prevention is Better than Recovery

The article, “Winter Sports Brain Injury Prevention Tips” lists some useful tips to use while enjoying winter sports.   Part of enjoying a sport is making sure that you can continue...

“Psych up your game” Another Lesson learned from the Pros

I read an article I loved  and thought it would be helpful to share and offer my own thoughts. The article that inspired me to write this article can be accessed by clicking here.   I...

The Mental Aspects Of Sport Performance From The Big Leagues To Youth

I read a great article in the New York Times today titled, “Mets’ Psychologist Helps Players Catch Their Breath“. This article highlights relaxation, imagery, and rehabilitation from injury as some...