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Youth Sport Development

Chasing the Runner’s High

Dr. John Macri Interviewed by NJ Monthly For Article

I was thrilled to be interviewed by Maryrose Mullen in New Jersey Monthly Magazine.  The article highlights the psychological benefits of running. If you are looking to alleviate stress, increase...

Intelligence Testing Demystified

I was recently asked the following question by a parent, "What does the FSIQ score mean?".

Youth Sport Specialization: Build a Solid Foundation

Greg Olsen, New Jersey native and tight end for the Carolina Panthers, makes a great point as he discussing some of the negatives associated with early sport specialization.  Below are...

Parenting: Make Your Child Resilient

With the increased demands being placed on our youth in school and sports, our worry can make us forget our parenting objectives: to create well-adjusted, resilient and secure children.

Light The Motivational Fire Within Your Child

I had the opportunity to take my four-year-old son, Samuel, on a kayak adventure on a beautiful lake in Syracuse, NY. I loved being a part of his excitement as...

Developing The Whole Athlete – For Lasting Gains Across the Life Span

Recently, I have been honored by becoming a member of the United States Olympic Committee (USOC) Sport Psychology Registry for the 2013—2016 quadrennium.  This has allowed me to see how...

Bergen County Sports Psychology

Fall Back into Sport – Giving Your Child A Competitive Edge In Sports

North Jersey Sports Teams lead the nation in talent. A student athlete does not become an elite player overnight. It takes work and dedication long before the beginning of the season.